I fell out of the habit of checking personal style blogs a few months ago. Something about the nouveau-pop-Goth look--you know it, piles of rings, leggings, Jeffrey Campbell platforms, drapey layers, "esoteric" symbols, etc., etc.--becoming omnipresent and overly trendy... in the end, who cares? I'd rather see crazy-ass ladies working it out in whatever their hearts' desire, no need to consider if it's KVLT enough.
So with that in mind, you can imagine my amazement and instant full-blown love affair when I stumbled across this previously unknown-to-me style blogger. Everybody, here's Princess Paolina of
Calur Villade.

My reaction upon seeing this gif? SKEET SKEET SKEET. Gimme those mescaline-gypsy robes, gurlfran. Wowza. Then there's this handmade "yarn web thing":

WHATTTTTT. I'm dying. FROM PREMATURE EJACULATIONS. Sorry, but this is too good.
Thank you for validating my lust for hair-as-accessories:

Thank you, from the bottom of my little black heart. This is kind of giving me new life. My blog is like a wizened old Nosferatu, slurpin' up some fresh young blood.... ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Liquid refreshment!