Thursday, May 27, 2010


Although I'm usually a silver person, since the beginning of summer I've been adding more gold to my jewelry regimen. So far I've invested in a few new pairs of earrings from the dollar and thrift stores down the block.

Not pictured are my classic bamboo bangers (all you 'round the way girls know the ones I mean) and a pair of simple gold hoops with little telephone charms. Although I'm pretty much satisfied with what can be scrounged up for $.99 apiece at the Family Dollar, I'm still tempted by the tacky vintage splendor of gaudy earrings past: these two are from Etsy store The Moon and the Sea...

And this vintage Kenneth Jay Lane pair--literal doorknockers!

I don't really wear rings, but I love seeing people with a handful of them on. This Kemetic style would be a knockout among some big turquoise stunners.


Amanda said...

hell yeah!! i got dolphin gold hoops from one of the stores near me in brooklyn... bout to go see what's new, thx for the lightbulb!

Robin Humphrey said...

super cute ring!

Liz said...

if my head wasn't so dang! small i would wear giant door knockers on the regular!

Janice said...

Fabulous ring:) fake handbag

swallow glitter said...

the lion doorknockers! i want them now!