Dudes, July was not a good blogging month for me, obviously! Somewhere in between searching for a place to live in a new city, suffering through intense summer humidity/thunderstorms, trying to get in as much (ahem) quality time with my boyfriend before I leave for said new city, etc., I got kind of burned out on updating my internets. I pretty much say this
every month, but this time I promise to post more!
Anyway, so as I said, I'm moving to Philadelphia next month... so psyched! I hope to fill the next two weeks with some intensive hanging out with friends and hard liquors before I have to leave them behind and chill somewhere new, you know? Any recommendations of awesome local bands, places to go, homegrown designers/stores in Philly are heartily welcome, if you guys know of any. I would particularly enjoy a nice funeral cape like the one the lady above is sporting. Hopefully by the time I move, the weather will be slightly more agreeable to lace-swathing, rather than constant sweat-mopping.