Thursday, September 17, 2009


Guys! Once again I've let a century go by without updating. I feel like a lot of things have been happening, even though I'm still chronically jobless. The new (real) season is definitely here, which means I can finally blow-dry and straighten my hair again without it immediately snapping back the second I step outside into the wall of humidity that is summer; of secondary importance, the new (fashion) season is also here... I'm going to wait until London before completely panning it. I've seen some pretty cool shows pictured on other blogs (Odyn Vovk particularly springs to mind), but everything on is either a retread of the studs/bodycon look, or some sad pastel cocktail parade on Zoloft--with the shining exception of Rodarte, without which I swear I'd think NYFW was a total waste.

Anyway, the big news I wanted to post about has little to do with fash-unnn, unless you're really into long flowing robes (although, really, who isn't?). Sunn 0))) is playing West Philly on Sunday! Dudes, if you're in the area, mark your calendars and buy an extra pair of earplugs.

(Wow, 111 posts... I've finally reached my lucky number!)

1 comment:

Laura McLaws Helms said...

Ahhhh, I love that book so much.